Welcome To Waterloo Athletics
Waterloo Central School District
The MISSION of the Waterloo Central School District is to provide a safe environment and educational programs that will provide opportunities for all members of the community to obtain a well-rounded education so they can be productive and successful in their personal and professional lives. The VISION of the Waterloo Central School District is to become the best rural school in the heartland of New York. We will achieve this by focusing on high academic excellence by providing for ALL a variety of instructional strategies to meet individual needs for future success. This will be accomplished through "open communication," collegiality, an infusion of technology and an enlightened attitude toward teaching and learning. Students will become productive members by becoming successful citizens.
Philosophy of Waterloo Athletic/Extracurricular Activities
The Waterloo Board of Education believes that interscholastic athletic involvement/participation in extracurricular activities is an integral part of graduating from the Waterloo Central School District with a well-rounded education. Involvement in athletics and extracurricular activities helps form a connection between the student and the school community. Participation in interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities is a privilege and carries with it responsibilities to self, school, and community.
All students involved in interscholastic athletics need to abide by expectations in NYSPHSAA’s (New York State Public High School Athletic Association) Code of Ethics. In addition, all students participating in athletics and extracurricular activities will follow the Waterloo Central School District Code of Conduct and the specific guidelines outlined within the Waterloo Athletic/Extracurricular Activities Handbook as well as the Waterloo High School or Waterloo Middle School Student Handbook. Students are subject to consequences imposed as a result of any violation and may also be subject to discipline or consequences under the District’s Code of Conduct.
NYSPHSAA’s Code of Ethics
It is the duty of all concerned…
- To emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair
- To eliminate all possibilities which tend to destroy the best values of the
- To stress the values derived from playing the game
- To show cordial courtesy to visiting teams and
- To establish a happy relationship between visitors and
- To respect the integrity and judgment of the sports
- To achieve a thorough understanding and acceptance of the rules of the game and standards of eligibility.
- To encourage leadership, use of incentive, and good judgment by the players on the team.
- To recognize that the purpose of athletics is to promote the physical, mental, moral, social, and emotional well-being of the individual players.
- To remember that an athletic contest is only a game. . . not a matter of life or death for player, coach, school, official, fan, community, state or nation.
Director of Health, Physical Education & Athletics
Ms. Christal Kent
Waterloo High School
96 Stark Street
Waterloo, NY 13165
(315) 539-1557