General Health Services Information
- Physical Examinations
- Student Illness/Injury
- Illness & Absenteeism
- Medications
- Health Screenings
- Physical Education Excuses
- Vaccines
Physical Examinations
New Your State Education Law requires a physical examination of students when they:
- Are in grades UPK, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th
- Enter the school district for the first time
- Participate in the school’s sports program
- Are referred by/to the Committee on Special Education
- Need working papers
Physical examinations should be completed by a child's primary health care provider and sent to the school's health office, along with an updated immunization record, prior to the first day of school in September.
If the child's appointment date is after school beings, please notify the school nurse of the date of the appointment, along with the provider's name and phone number. Ask your provider to fax a copy of the physical exam and any new immunization to the health office once completed.
If a parent is unable to have a child seen by their PCP, due to unforeseen circumstances, the parent may request the school physician (Lifecare Medical Associates) complete the physical in school by notifying the school nurse. A signed parental permission form is required for the school physician to complete the physical at school. Parents/guardians would be notified by phone/mail if any health problem is found which requires further investigation or treatment.
Student Illness/Injury
If a child becomes ill or injured during the school day, first aid will be given and a determination made as to whether the child should remain at school. A parent or guardian will be notified if a student needs to go home or referred for medical care. If we are unable to reach a parent/guardian, the designated person(s) on the student’s emergency information sheet will be contacted. In the event that no one can be reached and the student’s condition or injury is deemed serious, then an ambulance will be summoned.
Please return the completed “Student Emergency Information Sheet” at the beginning of each school year and notify the main office of any changes during the year to ensure your child’s safety. A copy of the form is available from the health office or - click here.
Illness & Absenteeism
It is recommended that a student NOT be sent to school if he/she has had any of the following symptoms within the previous 24 hours:
- Temperature of 100.0 degrees F. or higher
- Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
- Severe earache with or without drainage from the ear
- Severe cold symptoms with frequent cough
- Sore throat with or without fever
- Red, itchy eyes with yellow drainage and crusted eyelashes
- Any rash of sores that have blisters and oozing drainage
- Lack of sleep due to frequent cough from asthma, upper respiratory infection, or any other illness symptoms during the overnight hours
In the event that a child is going to be absent from school, we request that the parent/guardian notify the health office at the school. Voice mail will pick up messages before or after regular office hours. If a phone call is not received then a staff member from the school will notify the parent of the student’s illegal absence when the morning attendance has been taken.
In compliance with NYS Education Law, any medication (prescription as well as over-the-counter) to be taken during the school day requires:
- A written order signed by the physician must include
- The name of the medication
- Dosage
- Route of administration
- How often to be administered
- A written note signed by the parent/guardian authorizing school health personnel to administer the medication
- The original medication bottle’s label must match the physician’s order
- Parent/guardian must deliver the medication to the school health office
- Parents/guardians are responsible for tracking the quantities of student medicaitons at school to ensure refills are sent in on time.
These requirements also pertain to over-the-counter products such as cough drops, ear and/or eye drops, saline nose spray or throat sprays, creams, lotions, or ointment for skin conditions. A copy of the medication permission form is available from the health office or online - click here.
Health Screenings
Students will receive screenings of height, weight, vision, and hearing as listed below:
- Height and Weight – yearly for all students
- Hearing – New entrance students, UPK, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th
- Vision – New Entrance students, UPK K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th
- Scoliosis – Girls in grades 5th & 7th and Boys in grade 9
Physical Education Excuses
Any student unable to participate in Physical Education class due to an illness or injury must bring to the health office on that day a written note stating the reason and signed by the parent/guardian. Extended periods of exclusion will require a written note from an MD, NP, or PA.
Any student that is completely medically removed from particiapting in P.E. will be required to complete an alternate assignment under the supervision of their repective P.E. teacher for grades 6-12. All work will be graded in alignment with the P.E. rubric.
The goals is to have all students actively participate even with limitations. Therefore, parents/students are encouraged to work collaboratively with the district and their medical professional to specify what alternative activities students are permitted to safely particapte in, to earn credit.
New York State Immunization Requirements: All children must be age-appropriately immunized to attend school in NYS. Students who are not Up-to-Date on their immunizations will not be permitted to attend school for more than 14 calendar days, (or 30 calendar days for out-of-state or foreign students moving to NYS), without then providing proof of vaccination to the school. Once a student has received the first vaccine in a series, and they have a follow-up appointment for the next vaccine dose, they will be allowed to attend school, as this is considered “In-process” by NYS. The 14 calendar day rule then applies for each subsequent booster dose that is required until the student is fully immunized.