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Waterloo Central School District

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Home Schooling


Welcome to the Home School Page for Waterloo Central School District

As Part of the NYS Home Instruction Law Parents of, or persons in parental relation to, compulsory school-age children have the legal right to instruct their children at home. If a child is being educated at home, the local school district must be assured that the child is receiving instruction in certain required courses/subjects. Our District is here to work with you to collect the materials laid out by the state in law 100.10. We hope our website will offer some helpful forms and instructions.
Please always refer to the NYS website for any legal questions.  

If you have any questions you can reach out to our Home School Department at 315-539-1502
Home School Assistant for Waterloo CSD -

All Home School Materials including: Letter of Intent, IHIP, Quarterly Reports, and Final Assessment results should be emailed, faxed, mailed, or dropped off to:

Waterloo District Office
Home School Department
109 Washington Street
Waterloo, NY 13165
Fax: 315-539-1504
