Home Schooling
Welcome to the Home School Page for Waterloo Central School District
As Part of the NYS Home Instruction Law Parents of, or persons in parental relation to, compulsory school-age children have the legal right to instruct their children at home. If a child is being educated at home, the local school district must be assured that the child is receiving instruction in certain required courses/subjects. Our District is here to work with you to collect the materials laid out by the state in law 100.10. We hope our website will offer some helpful forms and instructions.
Please always refer to the NYS website for any legal questions.
If you have any questions you can reach out to our Home School Department at 315-539-1502
Home School Assistant for Waterloo CSD - homeschool@waterloocsd.org
All Home School Materials including: Letter of Intent, IHIP, Quarterly Reports, and Final Assessment results should be emailed, faxed, mailed, or dropped off to:
Waterloo District Office
Home School Department
109 Washington Street
Waterloo, NY 13165
Fax: 315-539-1504
Quick Facts
Quick Facts About Home Schooling
Please see below for a Quick Overview of the Home School Requirements from New York State Education Law: Section 100.10
Parental Obligations:
- Submit a Letter of Intent to Home School Office by July 1st or within 14 days of starting home schooling once the school year has begun. This must be done every year. Please include age and address verification.
- Fill out Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP) form by Aug 15th, or within four weeks of the receipt of the Letter of Intent from the school district (whichever is later). This must contain:
- the child’s name, age, and grade level
- a list of syllabi, curriculum materials, textbooks, or a plan of instruction.
- dates for submission of quarterly reports, and
- the names of the persons providing the instruction and administering year end assessments.
3. Maintain records of attendance (180 days)
4. File quarterly reports giving:
- number of hours of instruction during the quarter
- a description of the materials covered in each subject
- a grade or narrative evaluation in each subject and a written explanation if less than 80% of that quarter’s material, in any subject, was covered.
5. File an Annual Assessment with the last quarterly report due on June 30. You cannot change this last date because the school year ends June 30th. For grades 1-3, a written narrative may be used. In grades 4-8, the written narrative may be used every other year, with a New York State approved standardized achievement test given the alternate year. For grades 9-12 an Annual Assessment must be submitted with the 4th quarter report. The Annual Assessment does not take the place of the 4th Quarter Report. Both must be submitted to be in compliance. The parent may choose one of the following standardized tests:
- Iowa Test of Basic Skills
- California Achievement Test
- Stanford Achievement Test
- Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills
- Metropolitan Achievement Test
- NYS Assessment Tests
- NYS Regents Exam
* Please see our Links page for a couple websites that sell/provide the tests above. There are many options, and these are just a couple to help you get started. If you would like your student to participate in the NYS assessments or regents-please contact our office to get those arrangements in place.
** Students must score at the 33rd % or above to have shown sufficient progress to be promoted to the next grade. If a student falls below a passing grade, the parent(s) will be notified that their home-schooling program is on probation, and they must file a remedial IHIP for the following year.
Compulsory Attendance Age:
“…a minor who becomes six years of age on or before the first of December in any school year…until the last day of session in the school year in which the minor becomes sixteen years of age” or completion of high school. Any board of education can vote to raise the compulsory attendance age in their school district from 16 to 17 if the minor is not employed full-time, New York State Education Law 3205.
Required Day of Instruction:
The substantial equivalent of 180 days. For grades 1-6, 900 hours per year; for grades 7-12, 990 hours per year.
Required Subjects:
Grade 1-Grade 6 - Instruction in the following subjects shall be required yearly (If Teaching K-These standards can apply)
- Math
- ELA (Reading, Spelling, Writing)
- Geography
- United States History
- Science
- Health Education
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Physical Education
Grades 7 & Grade 8
The units required herein are cumulative requirements for grades 7 & 8.
- English (2 units)-recommended to take 1 per year
- History and Geography (2 units)-recommended to take 1 per year
- Science (2 units)-recommended to take 1 per year
- Mathematics (2 units)-recommended to take 1 per year
- Art (one-half unit)
- Music (one-half unit)
- Physical education (yearly)
- Health education (yearly)
- Practical arts (yearly)
- Library skills (yearly).
The following courses shall be taught at least once during the first eight grades:
- United States history
- New York State history
- the Constitutions of the United States and New York State.
Grades 9 - Grade 12:
The units required herein are cumulative requirements for grades 9 through 12.
There is a High School Transcript planner under FORMS on our website for more help
- English (four units)-recommended to take 1 per year
- Social studies (four units) -recommended to take 1 per year
- one unit of American history
- one-half unit in participation in government
- one- half unit of economics
- Mathematics (two units)
- Science (two units)
- Art and/or Music (one unit)
- Health Education (one-half unit)
- Physical Education (two units)
- Three units of electives (Courses of your choice)
Please Note:
- Students who are home schooled throughout 12th grade do not receive a high school diploma from New York State. If desired, they may take the GED exam. They will receive a letter of completion if they have met all the state requirements.
- The Waterloo Central School District is not required to supply textbooks or materials when you choose to home school your child.
- Your reports are very important. Verification of Home Schooling cannot be given if your child’s program is not in complete compliance with these guidelines. This means we must have on record the Letter of Intent, IHIP, quarterly reports, and narrative/final assessment as specified. We cannot give you a letter of compliance for working papers/transfer to a school if you have missing information. All reports should be returned on time.
- All residents of the Waterloo Central School District who home school their children should send their Letter of Intent, IHIP, Quarterly Reports, and Final Assessment results to:
Waterloo District Office
Home School Department
109 Washington Street
Waterloo, NY 13165
Home School Testing Requirements and Resources
Assessment Information
Children in grades K-3 do not need standardized tests, unless you choose. You or someone you designate may write a ‘Year-End Narrative Assessment’ instead.
Children in grades 4-8 must take standardized tests at least every other year (or every year if you wish.) On alternate years, you may choose to have a narrative assessment done. For example, if you do a narrative for grade 4, then you must give a standardized test for grade 5.
A narrative assessment can be substituted for standardized testing every other year. With the consent of the Waterloo CSD, narrative evaluations can be prepared by a certified teacher, a home instruction peer group review panel, or other qualified person(s). Any costs involved are the responsibility of the parent.
The evaluator for a narrative assessment interviews the student and reviews a portfolio of his/her work. The portfolio should include a variety of work samples that demonstrate growth and achievement over the year in the curricular areas as outlined in the IHIP. The written narrative that is submitted should describe the work that has been observed and certifies whether or not the student has made adequate progress. Such evaluations require planning. It is advisable to make decisions about the annual assessment early in the year so there is ample time to make arrangements and report such arrangements on the third quarterly report form.
If your child is in grades 4-8, you may have your child tested in our schools for their standardized test. It is recommended that you contact our office to coordinate this option in the fall for tests in January (Math) and March (English/Lang Arts).
Once testing has occurred, send in a copy of the OFFICIAL TEST RESULTS as soon as possible. Only the official results that are sent directly from the testing service will be accepted as evidence of testing.
New York State Home Instruction Law requires that students in grades 9-12 be tested every year. It is recommended that a New York State certified teacher administer the test, although the parent may do so.
You are responsible for buying and giving the test. Be sure to allow ample time for ordering and shipping. You may want to also do an Internet search for other sources.
Students in grades 10 or 11 can take the PSAT in October. Sign up with your child’s school guidance counselor, OCM BOCES can help coordinate this. Students in grades 11-12 may also take ACT (www.act.org) or SAT or SAT II from College Board (www.collegeboard.com).
12TH graders may also use any college placement test that is given by a college or university.
Standardized Testing Resources
K-8 Testing Resources
IOWA test & Stanford Achievement Tests - http://riverpub.com/products/itbs/index.html
Phone: 800-323-9540 Fax: 630-467-7192 3800 Golf Road, Suite 200 Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
K-12 Testing Resources
California Achievement Test - http://www.setontesting.com/cat/
Bayside School Services, PO Box 250 Devil Hills, NC 27948 Phone: 1-800-723-3057
Thurber’s Educ. Assessments -
Phone: 919-967-5782 400 Clayton Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Seton Testing Services - https://www.setontesting.com/
Phone: 540-636-1250 Fax: 888-282-7806 1350 Progress Drive Front Royal, VA 22630
Personalized Achievement Summary System (PASS) - http://hewitthomeschooling.comPhone: 360-835-8708 Fax: 360-835-8697 Hewitt Homeschooling Resources, P.O. Box 9, Washougal, WA 98671-0009
9-12 Testing Resources
SAT - Standardized Achievement Test, Collegeboard - http://student.collegeboard.org/
ACT - American College Testing - http://www.act.org/
Regents Exams - http://www.nysedregents.org/
AP - Advanced Placement Exams, Collegeboard - http://student.collegeboard.
(h) Annual assessment.
At the time of filing the fourth quarterly report as specified in the IHIP, the parent shall also file an annual assessment in accordance with this subdivision. The annual assessment shall include the results of a commercially published norm referenced achievement test which meets the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subdivision, or an alternative form of evaluation which meets the requirements of paragraph (2) of this subdivision.
(1) Commercially published norm-referenced achievement tests.
(i) The test shall be selected by the parent from one of the following: the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, the California Achievement Test, the Stanford Achievement Test, the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills, the Metropolitan Achievement Test, a State Education Department test, or another test approved by the State Education Department.
(ii) The test shall be administered in accordance with one of the following options, to be selected by the parents:
(a) at the public school, by its professional staff;
(b) at a registered nonpublic school, by its professional staff, provided that the consent of the chief school officer of the nonpublic school is obtained;
(c) at a nonregistered nonpublic school, by its professional staff, provided that the consent of the superintendent of schools of the school district and of the chief school officer of the nonpublic school is obtained; or
(d) at the parents' home or at any other reasonable location, by a New York State- certified teacher or by another qualified person, provided that the superintendent has consented to having said certified teacher or other person administer the test.
(iii) The test shall be scored by the persons administering the test or by other persons who are mutually agreeable to the parents and the superintendent of schools.
(iv) The test shall be provided by the school district upon request by the parent, provided that the cost of any testing facilities, transportation, and/or personnel for testing conducted at a location other than the public school shall be borne by the parent.
(v) If a score on a test is determined to be inadequate, the program shall be placed on probation pursuant to subdivision (i) of this section. A student's score shall be deemed adequate if:
(a) the student has a composite score above the 33rd percentile on national norms; or
(b) the student's score reflects one academic year of growth as compared to a test administered during or subsequent to the prior school year.
(2) Alternative evaluation methods. An alternative form of evaluation shall be permitted to be chosen by the parent only as follows:
(i) for grades one through three, a written narrative prepared by a person specified in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph;
(ii) for grades four through eight, a written narrative prepared by a person specified in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph. This alternative form of evaluation may be used no more often than every other school year for these grades;
(iii) for the purposes of this paragraph, the person who prepares the written narrative shall be a New York State-certified teacher, a home instruction peer group review panel, or other person, who has interviewed the child and reviewed a portfolio of the child's work. Such person shall certify either that the child has made adequate academic progress or that the child has failed to make adequate progress. In the event that such child has failed to make adequate progress, the home instruction program shall be placed on probation pursuant to subdivision (i) of this section. The certified teacher, peer review panel or other person shall be chosen by the parent with the consent of the superintendent. Any resulting cost shall be borne by the parent.
(3) If a dispute arises between the parents and the superintendent of schools, including disputes over the administration of the commercially published norm-referenced achievement test or the use of alternative evaluation methods, the parents may appeal to the board of education. If the parents disagree with the determination of the board of education, the parents may appeal to the Commissioner of Education within 30 days of receipt of the board's final determination.