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Waterloo Central School District

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Wrestling Program Celebrates Seniors
Steve Bradley

The merged Waterloo/Mynderse wrestling program celebrated Senior Night before its Jan. 16 match against Penn Yan.

Six seniors were honored, including Waterloo's Dillon Beniamino, Aubrey Westerberg, Caden Shangraw and Madison Westerberg, and Joe McDonald and Eion Fleming from Mynderse.

Congratulations to all of the seniors and their families.

Waterloo will be hosting the Wayne-Finger Lakes League Championships on Jan. 17 and 18.

Read More about Wrestling Program Celebrates Seniors
Student-Athletes of the Month
Steve Bradley

Congratulations to the following Waterloo student-athletes for being named athletes of the month for October and November: 

October: Aiden Rosario (Football) and Addison Bree (Girls Volleyball).

November: Dylan Caraballo and Justin Knowlton (Boys Basketball), Kinsley Bree (Cross Country).

The student-athletes of the month are sponsored by Ciccino’s Pizzeria and Restaurant.

Read More about Student-Athletes of the Month Honored